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Halton Borough Council is currently in charge of the Positive Behaviour Support Service (Halton, North West England, UK). It is also funded by the local authorities of Knowsley and St Helens. The Positive Behaviour Support Service works with people in a variety of settings, including their homes, communities, parents' homes, and schools. The initiative was created with the goal of better supporting people in their communities, improving their quality of life, and lowering costs. On a broader scale, the Positive Behaviour Support Service assists other organisations and staff who provide assistance to individuals, such as independent service providers. The Positive Behaviour Support Service is frequently part of a multidisciplinary team of health and social care professionals working with an individual, such as social workers, nurses, and others.

The service operates in four areas of activity:

  • Early intervention is essential (work with young children)
  • Crisis management (skilling up mainstream local staff)
  • Technical assistance (work with individuals)
  • Development of placements (moving people back to borough)

A referred individual will receive a person-centered intervention that includes:

1) Behaviour Support is based on a holistic assessment of the context in which the behaviours occur (including Functional Assessment).

2) A written individual support plan is in place.

3) In general, a 'Active Support' model of care is implemented, and staff members are trained accordingly.

4) The behaviour support plan includes: a description of the challenging behaviour; a summary of the reasons for this behaviour; proactive and reactive strategies (that feeds in to a wider Person Centred Plan).

5) Monitoring and review procedures.

6) Plans for implementation: The Positive Behaviour Support Service provides staff to assist families and staff in implementing strategies.

7) The plan is carried out; it is monitored and evaluated (with data to evidence this)