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The Health Service Executive (HSE), based in Dublin, provides all of Ireland's public health services in hospitals and communities across the country. Its mission is that people in Ireland are supported by health and social care services to achieve their full potential and can access safe, compassionate and quality care when they need it.

Areas of Intervention

  • Children and young people
  • Children at risk of social exclusion
  • Homeless
  • Elderly
  • People with addiction
  • People with physical disabilities
  • People with mental disabilities
  • Mental health
  • Public Health
  • Recipients of care

Responsibilities/ Services

  • Providing social services
  • Training of social welfare workforce
  • Maintaining networks for managers and social workers
  • Management of public nursing homes and day centres for the elderly
  • Home care services for the elderly and dependent people
  • Telecare
  • Emotional support groups for family caregivers
Health Service Executive (HSE)