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The AFE-INNOVNET thematic network on innovation for age-friendly environments was a European network, which ran from February 2014 to January 2016 with 29 stakeholders from 16 European countries, mainly local authorities, European networks and research organisations. It was coordinated by AGE Platform Europe and financed by the European Commission.

The AFE-INNOVNET: Towards an Age-Friendly Europe mobilised local and regional authorities and other stakeholder – industries, research centres, universities and civil society organisations – to link up, benefit from each other’s experiences and work together to promote initiatives on age-friendly environments across the EU. It developed methodologies to help local and regional authorities assess the socio-economic impact of age-friendly environments and the benefits of involving older people in the co-production of age-friendly environments. Moreover, the network developed a repository of practices with innovative service solutions.

In December 2015, the European Covenant on Demographic Change was launched to create the necessary framework to bring together stakeholders in a more formal and long-term structure to find innovative solutions to support active and healthy ageing and develop age-friendly environments across the EU. Members of the Covenant, including ESN, can exchange good practices and case studies, access information on innovative technological solutions, attend webinars and workshops, contribute to and use the online repository of practice, and disseminate their relevant activities and events. 

ESN’s role within the AFE-INNOVNET

ESN was involved in developing a repository of notable and replicable practices in innovative solutions for age-friendly environments with associated socio-economic evidence, as well as in the collection of practices to feed into the repository.

For more information on this project please contact ESN's Policy Team.