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ESN is a partner in a number of social innovation projects, designed to improve the quality and delivery of social services across Europe.

ESN is a partner in this project led by our member, the Regional Public Administration for Social Services in Castilla y León (Spain). Rural Care will develop an integrated home-based model of care in rural areas. ESN is responsible for practice identification and analysis, knowledge transfer, communication and dissemination. The project, which started implementation in November 2020, has designed the new care model which is now being piloted.

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A thirty-month project led by Tuscany (Italy), Reticulate started in November 2021 aimed at piloting an integrated system of social inclusion support through a ‘one-stop shop’ model for people furthest from the labour market. ESN will take care of organising peer reviews in countries which have been identified as having a support programme relevant for the model.

Led by the Social Rights Department of the region of Asturias (Spain), this project, which started in November 2021, will test a new model of employment and social services coordination to transform the regional minimum income to a new model of social inclusion support. ESN will contribute with practice identification, knowledge transfer and dissemination.

The Social sErviceS helpdesK on EU Funds (SESK) is a 24-month project led by a consortium of 16 organisations with members from across Europe. It aims to create the building blocks for a Social Services Helpdesk that will provide support for social services in accessing and using EU funds and help Managing Authorities use EU funds to finance quality interventions in the field of social services. ESN is responsible for providing a quality framework to ensure delivery of high quality outputs and for engaging public and Managing Authorities, as they are key in designing social services and managing EU funds.
