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Odense City Council is the legislative body of the city of Odense (Denmark). The Department of Employment and Social Services is responsible for social work, employmen, integration and citizens services centres.

Areas of Intervention 

  • Children and young people at risk of social exclusion
  • Foster care
  • People with physical disabilities
  • People with mental disabilities
  • People who are socially vulnerable
  • Migrants
  • Social Integration
  • People with addiction
  • Homelessness
  • Victims of domestic abuse
  • Young people and adults in unemployment (short term and long term)
  • Beneficiaries of sick leave

Responsibilities/ Services

Employment services:

  • Job match
  • Activation and retraining
  • Job support

Social services:

  • Providing social services
  • Child protection
  • Programs for the prevention of addictions in young people
  • Residential services for victims of gender-based violence
  • Specialised intervention services as meeting points for children, victims of violence, and their families
  • Emotional support groups for family caregivers
  • Financial support
  • Capacity building and training
  • Professional training
  • Fostering cooperation with non-governmental organisations and the promotion of social volunteering
  • Innovation and development
  • Promotion of systemic change
City of Odense, Department of Employment and Social Services