Policy concept developed by the European Commission, which has three components: (1) adequate income support; (2) inclusive labour markets; (3) access to quality services. In 2008, the Commission published a Recommendation to Member States comprising policy guidelines for the development of active inclusion policies.
The thematic network on innovation for age-friendly environments is a European project that aims to develop innovative evidence-based solutions to promote active and healthy ageing and to develop age-friendly environments across the EU. The project was launched in March 2014 and involves 27 stakeholders from 16 countries, mainly local authorities, European networks and research organisations.
AGS - The first step of the European Semester process which sets out the broad EU economic priorities for the year to come, based on the analysis of the economic and social situation in Europe.
The Blue Card is a work permit that allows high-skilled workers from outside the EU to live and work in any country of the EU except for the UK, Denmark and Ireland.
Refers to a range of behaviors which some people with severe learning disabilities may display to get needs met. They include hurting others, self-injury, destructive behaviors.
Any form of assistance, support and care that enables people to overcome or manage whatever condition, disability or set of life circumstances they face. ‘Community-based’ refers to the idea that vulnerable people should live alongside ‘ordinary’ people in their local communities, rather than be segregated. This type of care tends to be seen as the best setting in which to empower the user to participate in society and to take control of his/her own life.
Any form of assistance, support and care that enables people to overcome or manage whatever condition, disability or set of life circumstances they face. ‘Community-based’ refers to the idea that vulnerable people should live alongside ‘ordinary’ people in their local communities, rather than be segregated. This type of care tends to be seen as the best setting in which to empower the user to participate in society and to take control of his/her own life.
The Council of the European Union is composed of Government ministers from each EU country, according to the policy area to be discussed (ex: all education ministers on education matters). It is not the same as the European Council.
The European Council is composed of EU Heads of state or government, the European Commission President and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy. The Council defines the general political direction and priorities of the EU.
Published every year by the European Commission, country reports (1 for each country) consist of a detailed analysis of each Member States' programmes of economic and social reforms. Usually published in February, country reports are the basis for the Country-specific Recommendations, published in June.
CSRs - Individual recommendations given to Member States in the context of the European Semester. Their content varies according to the challenges and priorities identified in each country by the Commission services. They are drafted by the European Commission and adopted by Member States in the Council in June.
A shift in the type of care provided to vulnerable people, from institutional services to community-based care. Former (and potential) residents should be assessed and consulted and be able to live in an alternative setting that suits their needs and preferences, and in which they can receive such support as is necessary.
E-government (short for electronic government, also known as e-gov, Internet government, digital government, online government, or connected government) consists of the digital interactions between a citizen and their government (C2G), between governments and government agencies (G2G), between government and citizens (G2C), between government and employees (G2E), and between government and businesses/commerce (G2B).
EMU - Refers to the Economic and Monetary Union.
A set of recommendations adopted by the European Commission in April 2012 that deliver strategic guidance to Member States on job creation and better employment policies. This package consists of one communication 'Towards a job-rich recovery', nine staff working documents and two public consultations. It aims to trigger job creation in order to meet the employment target of 75% set up by the Europe 2020 Strategy, involving the creation of 17.6 million of jobs within 8 years.
EPSCO - The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council configuration (EPSCO) Council works to increase employment levels and improve living and working conditions, ensuring a high level of human health and consumer protection in the EU.
EU's ten-year growth and jobs strategy, launched in 2010. It sets five targets to achieve by the end of 2020, including ones to lift 20 million people out of poverty, reducing rates of early school leaving to below 10%, and ensuring the employment of 75% of the 20-64 year-olds in the labour market.
EEG - A broad coalition of stakeholders representing people with care or support needs, children, people with disabilities, people experiencing mental health problems and homeless people; as well as public authorities, service providers and intergovernmental organisations. The European Social Network is a member of the EEG.
Launched on 8 March 2016 by the European Commission, the Pillar aims to define the basic principles to promote fair and well-functioning labour markets and social protection systems, and promote social convergence. Its exact content and purpose are currently being discussed.
The European Semester is the annual cycle of economic policy coordination between the European Commission and the EU Member States. The aim is to monitor macro-economic imbalances to avoid government debt and promote economic growth. Social policy is also monitored, with a focus on measuring progress against the European Pillar of Social Rights.
ESIF - With a budget of €454 billion for 2014-20, the 5 European structural and investment funds (ESIFs) are the European Union's main investment policy tool. They are: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the Cohesion Fund (CF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
The Eurozone comprises the 17 countries that have adopted the euro (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain).
An ongoing process aimed at offering quality education for all students, in their neighborhood schools, while respecting diversity and the different needs and abilities of students.
The ability of people with disabilities to make choices and decisions about their lives and to enjoy the same degree of self-determination as non-disabled people.
Persons who provide unpaid care to an ill, frail or disabled family member, friend or partner outside a professional or formal framework.
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. The positive dimension of mental health is stressed in WHO's definition of health as contained in its constitution: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
NRPs - Document drafted by the Member States, presenting its policies and measures to reach the EU 2020 Strategy targets. The NRPs are presented in parallel with the Stability or Convergence Programme, which sets out the country's budgetary plans for the coming three or four years.
The impact or result of a service or support, such as an improvement in an individual's well being.
The term 'person-centred' describes service and supports that are centred on an individual and their strengths, needs, interests and goals. Person-centred service delivery ensures that people with disabilities lead and direct the services and supports they use.
PHS - Are defined by the European Commission in its 2012 document on 'Exploiting the employment potential of the personal and household services' and covers "a broad range of activities that contribute to wellbeing at home of families and individuals: child care, long-term care for the elderly and for persons with disabilities, cleaning, remedial classes, home repairs, gardening, ICT support, etc." It refers to home care services and housework activities carried out by someone either directly employed by the service user or through a service providers organisation. PHS do not include residential care services or healthcare services.
Designed to meet the needs of an individual user (ex: foster care placement) or a category of citizens (ex: unemployment benefits).
Public procurement is the procurement of goods and services on behalf of a public authority, such as a government agency.
The systems and processes an organisation has in place to monitor, review, plan, control and ensure quality of services, support or products.
Proportion of Europe's economy intended to make profits for people other than investors or owners. It includes cooperatives, mutual societies, non-profit associations, foundations and social enterprises. Social enterprises are also the engine for social innovation.
The denial of social, political and civil rights of citizens in society or the inability of groups of individuals to participate in the basic political, economic and social functioning of the society.
Based on the Social Investment Package, it is an approach which aims to promote policies designed to strengthen peopleʼs skills and capacities, and support them to participate fully in employment and social life. It argues for national governments to work towards improving the sustainability and adequacy of their social system by pursuing, activating and enabling policies through targeted, conditional and more effective support.
SIP - An initiative launched by the European Commission on 20 February 2013, which promotes social investment throughout the life-cycle, emphasising early years support for children and preventive approaches in later life. It contains recommendations for Member States on strategies for investing in childrenʼs services, long-term care systems, homeless strategies, active inclusion policies and health care systems.
SPC - The Social Protection Committee is an EU advisory policy committee for Employment and Social Affairs Ministers in the Employment and Social Affairs Council (EPSCO). The SPC monitors social conditions in the EU and promotes discussion and coordination of policy approaches among national governments and the Commission.
This term encompasses social welfare, social protection, social assistance, social care, social work and personal social services.
UNCRPD - The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the first international legally-binding human rights instrument to which the EU and its Member States are parties.
UNCRC - The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.