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The number of young, unemployed beneficiaries of means-tested minimum income increased significantly in the past years. They often face obstacles in integrating into the labour market due to lacking or incomplete training or qualifications and social problems such as homelessness, debt, etc., and existing support structures for young minimum-income beneficiaries need to be sufficiently coordinated with their help. Therefore, establishing a one-stop-shop for employment, training, and social issues shall reduce existing barriers to employment and social inclusion.

The U25 project was created to integrate services for young people provided by the regional public employment service, and the regional social authorities now offer increasingly personalised advisory and support services in one location. On 13,000 square metres, all Viennese between 15 and 25 years of age can now receive support around work, education and social issues in one place. Clients of U25 are being offered optimised services and internal processes.