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Technological innovation and quality of services

At the end of two years’ work, the Working Group on Ageing and Care focussed its fifth and last meeting on quality assurance and improvement of services for older people, and the role of technological solutions. Looking at practice examples and national policy contexts, we discussed how technological innovations can help to make services for older people more efficient and support them to stay as independent as possible in their own home. Comparing different systems and strategies for quality assurance, particularly for community services, allowed us to identify how the quality of services can best be guaranteed.

The meeting was organised jointly with ESN’s Working Group on Disability and a joint session was held on the second day where we will discuss services for people with disabilities in older age. After an introduction into the specific needs and changes of people with learning disabilities in older age, members of both working groups developed joint plans for four fictional case studies of people with learning disabilities who face different psycho-social and physical challenges as a result of the ageing process.


If you would like to participate or find out more about the Working Group, please contact Dorothea Baltruks.