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Eldicare 2.0, supported by the European Union Erasmus and Alliance for Innovation programmes, aims to strengthen the cooperation among organisations from different sectors working on care for older people and health and social care.

The project aims to support professionals providing care for older people, through the development of a sectoral skills long-term strategy that will tackle skills gaps on the labour market, as well as anticipating future skills.


ESN is responsible of the delivery of the “Skills Anticipation Mechanism” to monitor the future skills needed in the elderly care sector.

ESN will lead the involvement of external stakeholders, active in the project theme field, in validation workshops to approve several work package deliverables (e.g. policy recommendations to strengthen the elderly care workforce, occupation skills profiles for elderly care practitioners and the upskilling and reskilling strategy for elderly care sector).

In January 2024 ESN started leading activities to develop Anticipation Mechanism for the monitoring of future skills needs in elderly care sector. 

In March ESN will, together with EUROCARERS and EAN, organise a consultation workshop with key sector players on the post-covid impact assessment of the elderly care sector's skills needs. 

In May ESN will join the second project meeting with partners in Prag, Czech Republic