In 2010, ESN launched a working group that worked closely with the European Commission in the implementation of the European Pact for Mental Health and Wellbeing. The group brought together ESN members from Denmark, Ireland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Finland, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain to facilitate the exchange of practice examples about ways of working with people with mental health problems. Participants met five times to discuss various topics:
- Brighton, July 2010 – participants discussed how health and social services work together throughout the life cycle taking account of values, guiding policy and practice and the government level responsible for planning and delivery.
- Copenhagen, September 2010 – the discussions focused on rights implementation, the voice of services users experiencing mental health problems, the development of personalised care and the role of education and awareness raising to promote the social inclusion of people with a mental health issue.
- Lisbon, November 2010 – the working group met in Lisbon in the framework of the European Conference on Combating Stigma and Promoting Social Inclusion and focused on the concept of recovery as a personalised approach to mental health.
- Berlin, March 2011 – the group looked at examples of public and private initiatives, strategies and programmes, aiming to promote positive mental health, prevent mental ill health-related disorders, and retain or reintegrate people with mental health problems into work.
- Brussels, September 2011 – during the final meeting the working group launched the report 'Mental Health and Wellbeing in Europe: A person-centred community approach' in an event at the European Parliament hosted by Nessa Childers MEP.
Our report 'Mental Health and Wellbeing in Europe: A person-centred community approach' was launched in 2011. It is based on the work of ESN's mental health working group. The report is available in English, italiano, español, français, Deutsch.
For more information on our work on Mental Health, please contact our Policy Team.