Celebrating 25 years of knowledge sharing in Europe
Bringing together thousands of senior professionals from across Europe for the past 25 years, the European Social Services Conference (ESSC) has long been pioneering the value of knowledge sharing to transform people’s lives. Over the years, thousands of senior professionals have come together at the conference to share new ideas and improve services. For this special anniversary edition, the ESSC was organised in cooperation with the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Transforming lives through innovation and technology!
This year’s ESSC explored how innovation and technology can help create better social services for the future. The conference programme provided a strategic discussion through its plenary sessions involving ministers, academics and leading professionals from various sectors. It also provided an extensive knowledge-sharing workshop programme and 3 panel discussions.
Over 530 delegates from 32 countries came together in Malta. Many ESN members participated in the conference and presented their practices in one of the workshop sessions. We also heard the voice of a range of service users and were grateful for the support of our partners ranging from the private sector to public authorities, and from media groups to international organisations.
For a full overview of the programme, you can download the booklet in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
News articles
The debates touched upon diverse aspects of innovation and we review them in our articles below:
- How innovation and technology are shaping the social services of the future
- The Maltese Presidency: a positive message to Europe
- Co-production: a powerful approach to social services design
- Embracing technology key for the future of public social services
- The 25th European Social Services Conference – high attendance, service user engagement and digital innovation!
Further coverage can also be found through our media partner, The Guardian:
- How Denmark has helped its homeless young people
- Innovation and tech can create social care services for the future
- Buurtzorg: the Dutch model of neighbourhood care that is going global
You can also learn more by watching the videos of inspiring talks given at the conference. of the conference with inspiring talks.
In addition, you can access the presentations of the plenary sessions, the panel discussions and the workshops:
- Presentations - Day 1
- Presentations - Day 2
- Presentations - Day 3
- workshops (just click on the workshop you are interested in)
This 25th anniversary edition was the biggest conference ever! We take this opportunity to tell you the Conference through numbers. Have a look at our infographic 'The European Social Serivces Conference 2017 in numbers'!
Also, find out why delegates thought that the conference in Valletta was a great experience!
And finally, some visual highlights are captured in the photo albums of the 3 conference days.
More resources
For more insights into the European Social Services Conference, further materials and interviews are also available.
Social media
For more information about the European Social Services Conference, please visit our dedicated conference website: www.essc-eu.org and follow the conference on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Vimeo.
Keep up-to-date with the latest conference announcements ... the launch of the European Social Services Conference 2018 is coming soon – watch this space!