Principal Social Workers (PSWs) are key figures in driving forward continual improvement and evaluating the effectiveness of social work practice and the delivery of social care - but what does the role entail?
What are the responsibilities of the PSW?
How is the role being implemented in different local contexts across Europe?
What are the key considerations of introducing this role in countries where it doesn't currently exist?
ESN held an online discussion on 22 March as part of World Social Work Month, discussing the role from the perspective of both child and adult services. Download the presentations below.
10:30 | Welcome and Introductions
Moderator: Alfonso Lara Montero, Chief Executive, European Social Network
10:30-11:10 | Exploring the Principal Social Worker role
Speakers will present how the principal social worker’s role works in their local contexts.
Sarah Range, Head of Quality Practice & Principal Social Worker, Southend Borough Council, England PPT
Maria McInnes, Service Improvement Manager, Tusla - Child and Family Agency, Ireland PPT
Julia Pollak, International Representative, National Association of Social Workers, Austria PPT
11:10 - 11:30 | Interactive Discussion
What are the key considerations in introducing the role of the principal social worker where it doesn't currently exist? .
Attendees can submit questions through the Q+A function.
11:30 | Closing Remarks
Improving the practice of social work: the role of the Principal Social Worker
22 March 2022 | 10:30 CET