Young inspectors are an important part of the inspection team. They interview senior executives and CEOs; investigate corporate parenting and the involvement of children and young people in policy and service development; examine strategic plans from a young person's perspective; and speak with and observe young people in action.
The Care Inspectorate collaborates with Move On, a non-profit organization, to recruit young people aged 18 to 26 with experience in care or social work services, train them to be young inspectors, and support them during inspections.
The Care Inspectorate had six young inspectors at the time of this practice collection, with plans to increase this number.
Benefits for young people: Young inspectors are paid for their work, which provides valuable work experience and contributes to their professional development.
The experience has assisted young inspectors in moving on to full-time employment or education, thus contributing to the Scottish Government's Youth Employment Strategy.
Benefits for services: The involvement of young inspectors benefits practitioners by providing a fresh perspective that challenges services and provides new input. This contribution should not be underestimated, as it increases inspectors' empathy for the needs and aspirations of young people.
Aims: Increasing better quality of and access to care for children and young people in care; Improving the involvement of users in the management of services.