The Municipality of Esbjerg is the legislative body of the city of Esbjerg (Denmark). The Department of Citizens, Services and Labour is one of five in the municipality. They have three units: Social services for adults with special needs, unemployment services and general services for citizens.
Areas of Intervention
- Children at risk of social exclusion
- Homeless
- Older people
- People with addiction
- People (adults, children and young people) with physical disabilities
- People (adults, children and young people) with mental disabilities
- Mental health
- People (adults, children and young people) who are socially vulnerable
- People in situations of difficulty or precarity
- Migrants
- Social Integration
- Beneficiaries of minimum income
- Poverty
- Recipients of care
- Foster care
- Public Employment Service/Labour Market
Resposnibilities/ Services
- Service planning and design
- Service commissioning
- Providing social services
- Allocating social benefits
- Operating a job centre
- Issuing of guidelines and policies for the district’s councils
- Conducting inspections
- Management of public nursing homes and day centres for older people
- Home care services for older and dependent people
- Socio-educational services for children at risk of social exclusion
- Child protection
- Emotional support groups for family caregivers
- Programs for the prevention of addictions in young people
- Financial support
- Social insurance
- fostering cooperation with non-governmental organisations