In response to the outbreak of the Covid-19, ESN’s member the German Federal Employment Agency has prepared several information resources for people and businesses affected by the pandemic. While the Agency closed all its offices to the public, it put in place special hotlines for every office, in addition to the nationwide service number. The Agency furthermore put in place a Q&A website dedicated to the Covid-19 and provides multilingual information for migrants. The Agency has drafted information on short-time employment for both employers and employees, also producing a podcast on how to access short-time allowance during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Agency provides information on how to access social and unemployment benefits explaining the new governmental measures regarding families and self-employed people and has published some information on the new governmental measures for people going through provisional short-time employment contracts who decide to help in essential services, such as in the production and delivery of food or in the medical and care sector.
Please find information related to the Covid-19 and employment in Germany below:
- General Q&A
- Information for migrants
- Information for businesses
- Information for employees
- Postcast on how to access short-time work allowance during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Information on how to access social and unemployment benefits during the Covid-19 pandemic (including new governmental measures regarding families and self-employed people)
- Information on new governmental measures for people going through short-time employment who decide to help in essential services