“The City of Gothenburg has a plan so that people with disabilities have equal living conditions”
Meet Camilla Blomqvist, CEO of the department of disability in Gothenburg, ESN member, and representative of the Association of Directors of Social Welfare Services (FSS) in Sweden. The department of disability in the City of Gothenburg is a new organisation that was established in 2021. As the CEO, Camilla works closely with the political committee of disability in Gothenburg to achieve the objectives of the city council.
Camilla introduces four approaches which help employees and managers in Gothenburg to communicate with each other and with different groups (residents, visitors, users of services): 1. We know our mission and who we are for, 2. We care, 3. We work together, 4. We think about new ways of delivery.
She highlights a political plan that was established by the City of Gothenburg based on core international frameworks protecting the rights of persons with disabilities. The objective of the plan is to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal living conditions and participate fully in society. According to the plan, all departments and companies within the city must cooperate to reach these objectives and work together to ensure that all citizens have equal access to housing and participate actively in society.
We asked Camilla how ESN has supported her and her department in Gothenburg as well as FSS in learning from others, and this was her answer:
“With the support from ESN, we have had valuable opportunities to exchange on ideas and thoughts with other countries. By participating in ESN events, we can share our achievements and have an inspiring discussion in our areas of work”.