The Child and Family Agency (Tusla), based in Dublin, Ireland, is the dedicated State agency responsible for improving wellbeing and outcomes for children. It represents the most comprehensive reform of child protection, early intervention and family support services ever undertaken in Ireland. The Agency operates under the Child and Family Agency Act 2013, a progressive piece of legislation with children at its heart and families viewed as the foundation of a strong healthy community where children can flourish. Partnership and co-operation in the delivery of seamless services to children and families are also central to the Act.
Areas of Intervention
- Children and young people in need of safety and protection from abuse
- Families
- Children in care
- Children in school
- Adults who require aftercare
- Victims of Domestic violence
Responsibilities/ Services
- Child protection
- Provision of foster care and residential care for children in care
- Support for welfare and attendance at school and registration of home-schooling services
- Registration and Inspection of preschool services.
- Co-ordinating welfare services for children and families in local authority areas in liaison with other agencies
- Registration and inspection of private residential care for children in care
- Providing targeted support for children and families including with commissioned services in local communities.