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Hannover City - Department for Olde People, in Germany, provides services for older people in the city of Hannover. The services of the Department include providing information, giving advice and individual help in crises and serious emergencies; as well as civic engagement and economic aid in care facilities, and home care.

Areas of Intervention

  • Children and young people
  • Children at risk of social exclusion
  • Elderly
  • People with addiction
  • People with physical disabilities
  • People with mental disabilities
  • Mental health
  • Public Health
  • Victims of domestic abuse
  • Gender equality
  • Counteracting and supporting victims of gender-based violence
  • Migrants
  • Social Integration
  • Beneficiaries of minimum income
  • Recipients of care

Responsibilities/ Services

  • Regulation and policy development in the following areas: Labour, Health, Social Affairs and Equality
City of Hannover - Department for Senior Citizens