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Our recent European Social Services Conference delved into the pivotal role of technology in social services to promote autonomy and inclusion. Technology can empower individuals to actively engage and participate in their own welfare. Digital tools, such as mobile apps and online platforms, provide easy access to information, resources, and support services, enabling people to make informed decisions and take charge of their wellbeing. Additionally, technology fosters greater connectivity and collaboration among communities, breaking down barriers and promoting social inclusion. For people in disadvantaged situations, technology offers tailored support and personalised services empowering individuals to lead independent and inclusive lives.

But, while technology offers great promise in enhancing service delivery, it also brings forth significant ethical and practical challenges. Concerns were raised about potential biases in AI algorithms or the potential lack of transparency in AI decision-making processes and the potential for data breaches. Involving people using social services and professionals in the design and development process of IT and digital tools guarantees that technologies are tailored to meet specific needs, foster inclusivity, and effectively address the challenges faced by people who use social services.

In today's digital age, co-creating social services with the aid of digital technologies has emerged as a transformative approach to social welfare. By empowering people using social services and engaging a diverse workforce of social services professionals, and policy-makers, this collaborative process seeks to revolutionise the way social services are designed and delivered. However, as technology continues to play a central role in this evolution, ethical considerations become paramount.

Ethical considerations in co-creation

Informed Consent

Ethical co-creation needs informed consent from people who use services. It is crucial to ensure that people using social services fully understand the implications of their participation, how their data will be used, and the potential risks involved. The social services workforce plays a vital role in explaining the co-creation process and obtaining informed consent while maintaining transparency throughout.

Data Privacy and Security

The integration of digital technologies requires the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data. Ethical concerns arise concerning the privacy and security of this data, especially when dealing with sensitive personal information. Social services professionals and specialists in data analysis must work together to establish robust safeguards to protect user data from misuse or breaches.

Equity and Accessibility

While digital technologies enhance accessibility for many, they can also create a digital divide. Ethical co-creation entails actively addressing disparities in access to technology and digital literacy. Social services professionals must strive to make services inclusive and accessible to all, specifically populations in vulnerable socio-economic circumstances and people with limited technology literacy.

Bias and Fairness

Digital platforms often rely on algorithms and machine learning to make decisions. Ethical co-creation involves a critical examination of potential biases present in these technologies. Social services professionals, data analysts, and technology experts must collaborate to ensure fairness and accountability in algorithmic decision-making to prevent unintended harm and discrimination.

Enhanced Collaboration and Engagement

Ethical co-creation relies on open and inclusive collaboration among public authorities, policy-makers, professionals and people using social services.  The social services workforce plays a crucial role in facilitating this collaborative space where the values and ethical principles of all partners involved are respected and upheld.

Balancing Technological Advancements with Person-Centred Approaches

As technology continues to evolve, ethical co-creation requires a delicate balance between embracing technological advancements and maintaining person-centred values. While digital technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for effectiveness and personalisation, the human aspect of social services must never be overshadowed. Social services professionals play a vital role in advocating for person-centered design, ensuring that technology remains a means to enhance, not replace, human interactions and connections.

Moving forward

Co-creating social services through digital technologies was raised as a promising approach to revolutionise human welfare at our recent European Social Services Conference and will feature prominently at our next year’s conference. By empowering people using social services and engaging a diverse workforce of professionals, policy-makers, and industry partners this collaborative process has the potential to create more inclusive and effective social services. However, ethical considerations must remain at the forefront of this evolution. Informed consent, data privacy, equity, fairness, and balancing technological progress with person-centred approaches are essential ethical issues that demand thoughtful attention and impact the workforce directly. Social services professionals and technology experts must work hand in hand to address these ethical challenges, ensuring that co-creation remains a force for positive change to enhance people and communities’ wellbeing.