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ESN Autumn Seminar

Read ESN's report from the seminar Retaining and regaining independence in later life: the role of social services (in English, deutshfrançais)

Session 1: Prevention & rehabilitation in the context of long-term care in Europe

This session looks at the EU and international policy initiatives that seek to help older people retain (or regain) independence and inclusion.

European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing
Marianne van den Berg, Policy Analyst, DG Health and Conumers, European Commission
Presentation / Website

Prevention & rehabilitation through health, social and informal care
Kai Leichsenring, INTERLINKS coordinator, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy & Research, Vienna
Presentation / Website

Session 2: Designing social and health services for prevention & rehabilitation (P&R)

This session will cover how formal social and health services can be (re)designed to focus on independence and inclusion in later life.

'Life-long living: the Fredericia model'
Karen Heebøll, Director of Social Services, Municipality of Fredericia, Denmark

'How to stimulate the health & social care economy from the demand side'
Mariëlle Swinkels, Policy Advisor, Province of Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

'Integrating health and social services for prevention and rehabilitation'
Vanda Santos, National Network of Integrated Continuous Care, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Solidarity and Social Security, Portugal

A perspective from older people
Halina Potocka, Vice-president, AGE Platform Europe

Session 3: Adapting to the demographic challenge: lessons from other actors

This session looks at efforts to promote active ageing and prevent dependency that lie outside the direct responsibility of formal social and health services.

'Declining, Ageing and Regional Transformation' (DART) - results of a European project
Daniel López Muñoz, Senior Sociologist, Autonomous Region of Galicia
Presentation / Website

'Please be nice, I'm a volunteer' - volunteering by older people in the EU
Klára Fóti, Research Manager, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Presentation / Report

'Active and healthy ageing from a public health perspective'
Helene Reeman, Head of International Relations, Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) and Board Member of EuroHealthNet
Presentation / Report

A perspective from a carer
Carolyn Akintola is a wheelchair user who looks after her elderly mother
Carers Association, Ireland / Eurocarers
Speaking Notes