Investing in Children Services, Improving Outcomes
In 2013 the European Social Network (ESN) started a research and practice project to contribute to the implementation of the European Recommendation Investing in children: Breaking the cycle of disadvantage at national and local levels. It consists of an analysis of the organisation of children services in several European countries with the aim of identifying proposals for public authorities to develop services in line with the Recommendation.
Scope of tender
Following two peer reviews in Dublin and Barcelona and consultations (based on a questionnaire) with ESN members, nine countries have been analysed so far. We are now looking for national experts on children services in Spain, Poland, UK and Germany to help us with the following tasks:
- Assess and complete (where necessary) the answers provided by ESN members in their questionnaire
- Draft the final country profile
- Draft a 2 page summary of the country profile
- Draft a 1 page comparison between the European and the national framework (e.g. gaps identified and suggest proposals for improvement)
Required expertise
- Expertise about legal and policy frameworks in regards to children services in their own country and possibly in other European countries
- Ability to analyse questionnaires, data and practices from public authorities across Europe
- Demonstrated capacity to deliver high quality outputs in an agreed timeframe
We invite all interested candidates to apply be sending their CV, relevant samples of work and expected remuneration to George Intzesiloglou by Sunday 26 October.