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Last November, the 2023 edition of the European Social Services Awards was revolved around the theme of ‘Person-centred Care’ and brought together organisations and people that seek to provide care which is centred around the person, promoting coordination among services and professionals, fostering independence, and promoting full inclusion in communities.

Annually organised by ESN, these awards highlight successful new approaches and the continuous impactful work of public social services. Beyond recognition, the awards offer a platform for exchange and mutual learning, contributing to the enhancement of social work policies and practices.

Building on this theme, this episode we will discuss about the broader spectrum of person-centered care, extending its relevance to issues like social isolation in rural communities, focusing on innovative interventions.

Rural loneliness is a notable concern impacting numerous individuals in the countryside and can influence mental health, overall well-being, and quality of life, especially for the most vulnerable groups of people.

Join our discussion with Ann Osborn, C.E.O. Rural Coffee Caravan in United King-dom, and Igone Arrieta, Administrative Assistant for Social Services at City Council of Churriana de la Vega - Department of Social Services, Spain, as we explore innovative interventions and person-centred care initiatives against loneliness.

Further resources: 

Articles: EU Ministers call for a transition towards person-centred and community-based care throughout life

Report: 2023 European Social Services Awards, Promoting Person-centred Care

Audio file