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The initiative is being implemented in all 23 districts under the jurisdiction of the City of Vienna. Employees of the non-profit 'Wiener Sozialdienste' organise volunteer visits to older people known as 'contact visitors.' The volunteers inform people aged 65 and up about social service provision, and if they see a need for additional assistance, they contact the Vienna Social Fund's case management team to arrange the necessary social care service for the client. NGOs provide a variety of services, such as senior centres, physical activities, computer and internet training for seniors, community colleges, involvement in charitable work, and becoming a representative of the City of Vienna.

This initiative's goal is to provide timely advice. This enables service providers to respond quickly to needs and to promote older people's inclusion and participation in local decisions, social networks, and the local community. The initiative aims to help older people live more self-determined lives in old age, including encouraging them to consider volunteering for contact visits once they no longer require them. Another goal of the initiative is to collect socio-demographic data on the target population in order to advance knowledge for social service planning.

Lessons: Contact visits are as important as they are preventative.; Social networking benefits older people's social and mental well-being; Support for living a self-determined life in old age is essential.