Local networks of specialists in education, health, and social services will make it possible to identify children at risk earlier and to offer more comprehensive help. They will work together to identify children who are at risk and to develop family plans. The initiative will concentrate on young children who are enrolled in Pamplona and Comarca's early childcare program and exhibit risk factors.
The project's goal is to offer children receiving early childcare help the best possible, coordinated answers. Another goal of the project is to develop customised family preservation plans that take into account all of a family's requirements. Together with experts in health, social work, and education, they will be developed. It aims to defeat dispersed.
Particular goals include helping children who may be at psychosocial risk for developmental issues by aiding their access to nursery schools and early childhood services. Furthermore, to improve the parents' competency, aid in the growth of the kids, and encourage diverse community environments.