The project is based on a peer-to-peer model of mental health recovery. It is intended to provide peer support and psycho-education for people with mental health problems through user-led organisations in order to promote independent living and social inclusion, as well as to improve working conditions between hospitals and social services.
The project's goal is to bring together people who have personal "lived experiences" with mental health problems (e.g., ADHD). These people serve as user peers for professionals in the Midtjylland Region and the three cities' services for newly diagnosed people (Randers, Viborg and Aarhus). User organisations participate in the project and establish contact with peers.
The project is managed by a broad collaboration of the region, cities, and user organisations. The region manages the hospitals and describes/assesses the person's functional disorder as well as some of the treatment/therapy. The description serves as the foundation for the cities' support services. Cities provide services such as housing, housing benefits, support costs, psycho-education, employment assistance, and financial assistance.
The project will create and implement two activities aimed at users:
1. a mentor model in which the mentor has "lived experience" and acts as a peer
2. a psycho-education model in which the educator plays both the professional and peer roles.