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The Disability Policy Programme of Finland outlines specific measures for the period 2010-2015. The program's main goal is to ensure that society as a whole is committed to promoting the rights and equality of people with disabilities. The policies aim to: lead to the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the necessary legislative changes; improve the socioeconomic situation and poverty eradication of people with disabilities; ensure the nationwide availability and quality of special services and support; increase and strengthen wider accessibility in society; and enhance disability research, increasing the knowledge base and development.

Everyone has access to public services and a barrier-free environment. When general services are insufficient, special services, such as housing, assistive devices, transportation, and interpretation, are arranged. The goal is to support people with disabilities' working and functional capacity, as well as their individual autonomy. Local services assist and enable people with disabilities to function in their daily lives. As required by law, the policy supported the HAVU-Centre project. People with disabilities have had the right to a personal assistant since September 1, 2009.