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The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) uses Mozilla Open Badges granted through the SSSC Open Badges network to promote informal learning among Scotland's 200,000 social sector personnel.

Micro-credentials are Open Badges. These are digital recordings of accomplishments and abilities that can be connected to evaluations and supporting data. They can be shared and managed online by students. The adoption of micro-credentials is a component of the broader learning and development strategy for the social services workforce at SSSC.

The programme was developed as the SSSC needed a way to assist employees to recognise their informal and ongoing learning and collect proof of their learning and development.

The SSSC creates free online learning materials for social service professionals to understand the requirements of service users. These include websites and applications for tablets and smartphones covering themes like dementia and principles of care.

The SSSC provides social care employees with acknowledgment for learning that is otherwise unrecognised, which helps to promote the development of the workforce and strengthen its capacity and capability.