In the social service activity, specialists can be overwhelmed by the specifics of working with a category of emotionally consuming beneficiaries, with the risk of being overworked. Supervision is necessary to support employees who may have difficulty discharging their accumulated emotions at work. Mental stress can have consequences on both professional and personal and family life, and the quality of work, at a professional level, can decrease.
The idea of this program was born in 2018 when supervision meetings were organised at the level of teams working with people with disabilities. Thus, from the discussions held, we found the need for supervision at an individual level but also with the entire team of the two structures involved.
That is why, starting in 2022, professional supervision by teams of professionals has been replaced by process supervision, which combines professional and personal difficulties in order to overcome them. In Romania, the foundations are only now being laid for the training and certification of the occupational standard of supervision in the field. Thus, we have the opportunity to be part of the first generation of supervisors trained in Romania. In turn, the support groups offered to disabled people families solve urgent problems that may arise at the family level of disabled people, such as the difficulty of accepting the child's diagnosis, the reluctance to self-disclose, the fear of stigmatisation, the lack of awareness of the need to participate in such of activities, stiffness due to age, etc.