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Building Better Lives (BBL) is the council's ten-year disability services programme. It is meant to be transformational and is founded on seven key principles: early intervention, inclusion, independence, contribution, shared responsibility, a holistic approach, and individualization.

Coproduction is a core value of the programme in order to achieve these principles. To formally commit to this, a coproduction charter was created and signed in December 2014.

To accomplish this goal, a series of reference groups were formed. These were: the disabled persons' reference group (which brought together people from user-led organisations who represented people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health issues, and sensory disabilities), a BAME reference group (representing people from various faith and BME communities), a Carers reference group (for disabled people's families), and an engagement plan for disabled children and young people. Additional participation is sought from Districts (local district councils), Education, and Health.

The programme has a clear implementation plan, and members of the reference groups are encouraged to participate in all activities. In addition, the work is governed by a Programme Board. The board is chaired by the directors of disability services and is made up of more than half non-county council members who represent their reference groups and partner organisations. Building Better Lives operates in Gloucestershire and aims to modernise and integrate services for people of all ages and abilities. It aims to ensure that the system is based on peer support rather than formal services and that it is delivered by disabled people whenever possible. It pledges to approach disability from a position of strength.

Aim: Putting the user at the heart of the strategy from the start ("co-production")