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It is a collaborative programme involving services for older people, rehabilitation, and welfare. It introduced virtual home care visits by practical nurses covering: medicine intake guidance; nutrition advice and guidance on warming up food; blood sugar measurements and insulin injection guidance; and online counselling: nurses will answer general questions about health and social care.

The nurse can arrange an online video call with the older person and offer advice on the issues listed above. The older person has a ten-inch tablet at home that allows them to communicate with the nurse and receive advice and information. When necessary, the nurse can connect the older person with their doctor. They can also use it to contact up to five friends, relatives, and other service users at the same time.

The service empowers older service users to be more informed and in control of their health and care needs, while taking their own interests and preferences into account. One of the goals is to provide support services to an increasing number of older people while also lowering costs in an efficient manner. Another goal of the project is to allow older people to live at home for longer periods of time.

The initiative enhances services, improves contact with relatives, supports daily activities and rehabilitation of the elderly, increases networking among the elderly, and prevents loneliness.