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This programme aims to guide the young person into employment or education while also providing him with financial independence. Within the framework of this program, young people attend a variety of trainings and courses designed to empower and develop their social and professional skills.

In addition to these trainings and courses, the individual youngster must work between 20 and 24 hours per week in a facility to maintain or obtain applicable skills and to become accustomed to a daily routine. Young people are required to apply for and accept any type of work while enrolled in the program.

Aside from this program, the project maintains a network of health authorities who can assist young people with issues such as personal debt, substance abuse, and housing problems, among others.

The goal of bringing youth into work touches on a wide range of issues, institutions, and response services, with young people at the centre. School dropout prevention, addiction counselling, guided living, an orientation year, safety houses, debt counselling, regional education centres, and employee insurance agencies are among them.