Jukka Lindberg has plenty of experience in social services and public administration in Finland and Sweden. He holds a Master of Social Science and an MBA in Public Administration. He is a family therapist and has worked as a social worker, supervisor and consultant in several organisations. Jukka started his work career in substance abuse services in the 80s. Between 1991 and 2001, he worked as a social worker in Sweden and Finland. He was in leading position in the professional union of social workers in Finland between 2001 and 2006 and then moved on as director for health and social care in the cities of Hanko and Hämeenlinna. He has recently moved to a directorship position for health and social care in the region of Hame and leading the big regional reform. Jukka has been involved with ESN since 2005 and has participated as a speaker in many of our working groups, seminars and conferences.