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Letter from the Chief Executive


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Read ESN Annual Review in: Englishfrançais, español, italiano, deutsch, polski, português



As we reach the mid-point of the Europe 2020 social policy strategy, we can reflect on a turbulent period for many of our citizens and for those endeavouring to provide them with quality social services. The economic and social landscape remains challenging, with few signs of growth and improving public finances.



At the same time, we recognise the need for reform to ensure that people are supported and cared for in ways that enhance their capacity to be as independent as possible, to make choices and have control of their lives, in short, to promote an inclusive, caring and cohesive society.



ESN understands that solutions must be found at the local level, and that social services have a central role to play together with other services and sectors in improving people’s lives in their local communities. This requires building local leadership, investing in planning and workforce skills, better data and improved technology.



This is why we are working with our members, the European Commission, and national and regional governments – to improve opportunities for mutual learning and development, and to build partnerships across services and sectors, and together with service users to deliver effective, efficient and more sustainable services.



The first 15 years for ESN have been a remarkable achievement from small beginnings and we are ready to move forward with confidence to helping improve services for people over the next 15! We invite you to read our Annual Review 2014 highlighting our work from the past year and we hope you’ll join us for some exciting projects to come.



John Halloran
ESN Chief Executive