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Innovative Strategies for Active Inclusion through Local Integrated Partnerships (xEITU) was a project that run till 31 July 2024 and was led by ESN member, Department for Social Rights of the Regional Government of Asturias (Spain), to test a new model of employment and social services coordination that will transform the regional minimum income to a new model of social inclusion support.

The xEITU project was funded by the EU Programme for Employment and Social Inclusion.

ESN helped to identify best practice on integrated minimum income and social services programmes to help with international benchmarking for the local project, and to disseminate the project results.

ESN's latest report 'Partnerships for Social Inclusion - Integrated Minimum Income and Social Services Programmes' analyses international best practices on integrated support for minimum income beneficiaries.

In the spring of 2024, ESN organised events in Belgium and Spain to promote the international transferability of the project.

For more information, contact Francesco Capuani at