Social services are a fundamental part of social protection systems across the European Union and play a key role in improving people’s lives. Against the diverse challenges facing Europe such as an ageing population, the war in Ukraine and the cost-of-living crisis, it is more important than ever to ensure social services are a priority investment; and for well-functioning, robust and responsive legislation and actions that allow access to social protection systems that are modern and sustainable in protecting people in vulnerable situations.
On 14 March, Eurodiaconia and the European Social Network held a webinar to discuss the challenges facing social services providers and the joint recommendations we have formulated to the European Commission and EU national governments based on our reactions to the report by the High Level Group on the Future of the Welfare State in the EU, which aim to tackle the challenges the sector has been facing and improve the quality of services provided.
Download the recommendations here
Alfonso Lara Montero, Chief Executive Officer, European Social Network
Heather Roy, Secretary General, Eurodiaconia
Presentation of the Joint Recommendations
Anne-Sophie Wislocki Head of Advocacy, Eurodiaconia
Elona Bokshi, Policy Manager, European Social Network
Implementing the recommendations: experience from the ground
Julia Zillinger and Friederike Mussgnug (members of Eurodiaconia)
Graham Owen, Association of Directors of Social Welfare Services (FSS), Sweden
Input on the HLG report on the future of the Welfare State in the EU
Prof. Jozef Pacolet- Member of the HLG
Dana-Carmen Bachmann, Head Social Protection Unit, DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Reactions/Conclusions and the way forward
Alfonso Lara Montero, Chief Executive Officer, European Social Network
Heather Roy, Secretary General-Eurodiaconia