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Inclusive activation is an approach to promote social inclusion pioneered by the European Social Network which considers that measures to improve a person’s social wellbeing, health, education and housing related needs are just as important as employment to ensure people are socially included in the communities.

The principles of this approach are initially outlined in our 2009  ‘Realising Potential’ report. The ‘Inclusive Activation’ approach is also implemented by many ESN members, supported by the 2019 Inclusive Activation toolkit. This innovative strategy is built on a series of principles, including a holistic assessment of the needs of people using services, integrated service provision, a personalised plan, adequate income support, a labour market which accounts for their specific needs, and access to quality services. In 2022, we organised a seminar to discuss partnerships for social inclusion including the integration of minimum income and social services. Also at the invitation of the European Commission ESN moderated and presented the inclusive activation approach in a European peer review.

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