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August 2021


August 2021
European Social Services Awards
Only four days left to apply for the European Social Services Awards (ESSA)!

In 2021, the ESSA will seek to honour the development of new innovative practice during the pandemic, creative solutions to provide care, the collaboration with other sectors to respond to the crisis, as well as the adoption of new technology tools and research that boosted knowledge of the impact of Covid-19 on social services.

Recognition for innovation and excellence will be given in five categories:
  • Social Service Innovation
  • Outstanding Team 
  • Collaborative Practice
  • Technology Tool
  • Research Project
Submit your project by the deadline of 3 September.
Apply now!
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Latest from ESN
SDG 16 on Ending Violence against Children

ESN's latest policy briefing has been drafted in the framework of the 2021 Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, this policy briefing addresses the crucial role played by social services in preventing, reporting and responding rapidly to all cases of child harm, neglect and abuse to advance the implementation of SDG16.2.

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Funding Social Services Recovery

ESN's latest report gathers the analysis conducted by ESN members who agreed to review the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) submitted by their national governments. The report covers 19 EU Member States and illustrates an analysis of public social services involvement in the development of the NRRPs and the content of the Plans regarding planned investments in the social services sector.

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Covid-19 Impact on Europe's Social Services

ESN's latest publication focuses on the impact of The Covid-19 pandemic that has placed additional pressure on a social services sector which was already under stress to protect the most vulnerable in society and has exposed the gaps and weaknesses of existing social protection and welfare systems, such a child protection, housing and homelessness, and long-term care for people with disabilities and older adults. 

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Putting Quality First – Contracting for Long-Term Care

Following a year of work, the European Social Network (ESN) has published its latest report on long-term care. The report Putting Quality First – Contracting for Long-Term Care examines how public procurement and quality assurance policies can ensure better access to quality long-term care services.

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Check out our 2021 Top Stories so far
Community care needs investment and reform to become a key pillar of social welfare
July 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a grim toll on community social care across Europe. Previous lack of adequate investment had already left the sector without the necessary equipment to manage the crisis, which also raises questions about future funding.

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Promoting Long-Term Care Quality Assurance Policies at EU level
June 2021

How can we ensure and measure progress in achieving the right to quality affordable long-term care (LTC) in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR)? This question is currently being discussed at the Social Protection Committee (SPC) - a forum of exchange for EU member states to improve access to Social Protection across Europe.

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Making social recovery a reality
May 2021

An European Social Network webinar assessed planned investments through the recovery and resilience funds in EU countries social services.

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States Promoting integrated care and support for older people with complex needs
April 2021

According to the recently launched EU Green Paper on Aging, integration of care has the potential to contain the rising costs of health and social care. At the same, better service integration may help older people to remain independent for longer and increase their well-being, the Paper concluded.

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Breaking the cycle of violence against children
March 2021

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, violence against children and the need to act has become even more pronounced, due to disruptions in prevention and response services. Public social services have a statutory duty to protect all children from violence, but this duty transcends social services and applies to all public services working with children.

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Future European Social Fund: Addressing social challenges in the wake of Covid-19
February 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of the social problems that European countries have been facing for years and has brought about extra challenges. The new European funds are meant to be a remedy to the crisis.

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Quality Public Social Services: Most Effective Vaccine Against Social Exclusion
January 2021

We have grown increasingly accustomed to being reminded about the consequences of Covid-19 on our societies' health. We have also become increasingly concerned about its devastating impact on the economy. However, we are less aware of the impact that the pandemic will have on social inclusion. As a consequence, it is essential to find an antidote to undo the impact of the pandemic on social exclusion and its effects.

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The European Social Network receives financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation 'EaSI' (2014-2020)
Copyright © European Social Network 2021
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